What do we do?

Use science and best practices to enhance, restore, and conserve the ecological health and function of our unique urban watershed, and promote a stewardship understanding and ethic amongst our watershed residents and visitors


Replacing or retrofitting barriers so fish can access healthy habitat throughout the watershed.


Removing invasive plants, then planting native shrubs and trees to support native pollinators, fish, birds, mammals, and more.


Engaging with all of our community members through educational events like Science Talks and on-the-ground workshops, and volunteer restoration events. 

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Board Meetings

Tryon Creek Watershed Council board meetings are held on the second Monday of the month.  Confirm scheduled meetings and location on the calendar.

Join us, everyone is welcome.

Meeting Location

During COVID-19 precautions, we are holding online meetings via Zoom. Email us if you’d like to attend!


View our sent newsletters here – these are the best way to see Council updates, events, and more.

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Contact Us

Email our Coordinator, Alexis, at: alexis@tryoncreek.org