16th Annual Watershed Wide Event

16th Annual Watershed Wide Event

Tryon Creek Watershed Council’s 16th Annual Watershed Wide Event

Join us in supporting the unique urban Tryon Creek watershed by volunteering to remove invasive plant species and plant native plants for Tryon Creek Watershed Council’s 16th Annual Watershed Wide Event on Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 9:00am – 12pm!

This is TCWC’s largest annual volunteer event! Join us afterwards for a group celebration with pizza – this is a fun chance to see and hear what all happened across the watershed and who with. The pizza party location will be a 2-9 minute drive from sites.

Sign up here – we will follow up with you with more information closer to the date!

Volunteer event locations (more information will be sent closer to the date):
– Tryon Creek State Natural Area– Blackberry removal
– Marshall Park – Plant native plants
– Jackson Middle School – Ivy and blackberry removal
– Boonesferry Terrace Greenspace, near Riverdale High School – Planting and invasive plant removal
– LOUCC (Lake Oswego United Church of Christ) – Ivy and blackberry removal
– Tryon Life Community Farm – Blackberry
– Lake Oswego HS (with LOHS Green Team & Oswego Lake Watershed Council)
– Lewis & Clark College – Planting and invasive plant removal

Note: Flexible volunteers are *super* helpful! Being able to send volunteers to the sites that need more people allows us to make similar impacts across all sites throughout the watershed. Thank you!

If you’d like to help out somehow other than hands-on weeding & planting (photography? coffee runs?) please reach out (alexis@tryoncreek.org). 

Volunteer notes:
– Dress in layers for the weather (hats, close-toed shoes you can get muddy, etc.) and bring your own, full water bottle and snacks.
– We will email you a waiver that can be returned electronically in advance; some sites may require additional in-person waivers to be signed.
– Gloves and tools will be provided as needed; please consider bringing your own if you are able (tools will depend per site – we’ll email you details).
– Masks are welcomed, and please stay home if you have been exposed, are experiencing symptoms, and/or test positive for COVID-19 (& other illnesses). 

Thank you!! We are always excited for this event and can’t wait to make a positive on-the-ground impact together!