Featured Friend Friday: Adra Lobdell
Meet TCWC Volunteer Coordinator Adra Lobdell
When and how did you get involved with TCWC? I started as the TCWC Volunteer Coordinator in September 2014 as an 11 month term AmeriCorps member. Luckily, TCWC was able to secure funding to hire me on as staff so I stayed on with the organization as soon as my term was over!
What are your 5 favorite things about the Tryon Creek watershed?
1. The history of salmon and lamprey in the creek. The fact that Tryon provides important cold-water refuge and spawning areas for these migratory fish makes it a pretty special little stream!
2. The trails in Tryon Creek State Natural Area and Marshall Park. I am an avid trail runner and I think the trails in our watershed are some of the best in the Portland area!
3. The flora and fauna. Despite the urban nature of the Tryon Creek watershed, we have an incredible amount of biodiversity. Encountering wildlife in the field reminds me how critical habitat is in an urban watershed like ours – it is definitely worth restoring and protecting!
4. The goats at Tryon Life Communtiy Farm. They are awfully cute and help maintain the invasive blackberry!
5. Our community. I really enjoy working in such a small, community-based organization. It is such a pleasure to work alongside our amazing landowners, volunteers, board members, and agency partners!