Featured Friend Friday: Torrey Lindbo

Meet TCWC Board President Torrey Lindbo
This coming July will be the two year mark for Torrey Lindbo as the TCWC board president. He has officially been on the board for 3 years, but has been involved with the council since moving to his home along Tryon Creek a little over 5 years ago. Having spent the past 20 years working as a watershed resource professional, Torrey has been involved with numerous watershed councils around the Portland metro area over the years – but having the actual stream in his backyard is something that really connects him to Tryon Creek.
“Before we moved into our house, I don’t think anyone even knew the creek was there – it was covered in blackberry. After a lot of cutting and digging, I got the area prepared for native plants provided by the watershed council – the native forest is already reclaiming the riparian zone again. I love playing in the yard, so watching the trees and shrubs grow is a lot of fun. I love fish, birds, and wildlife, so I really enjoy watching wildlife out in my backyard. I occasionally see little cutthroat trout down in the creek, but am really excited about the possibility of having salmon and steelhead back in our watershed. The Boones Ferry culvert removal project that City of Portland is doing next summer and the discussions the watershed council and partners have been having about removing the Hwy 43 culvert at the mouth are particularly exciting. Whether it is playing in the yard, walking the dogs, or going for a run through Marshall Park or Tryon Creek Natural Area, I feel pretty fortunate to live so close to this amazing treasure.”