Free Training on April 9!

FREE Watershed Stewardship Training
April 9, 1 – 4:30pm
Classroom located in the Tryon Creek Nature Center, 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd
Join the Tryon Creek Watershed Council and the Friends of Tryon Creek’s Backyard Habitat Program for an informative (and FREE) watershed stewardship workshop.
This workshop will start with an hour of in-class training, including an overview of the ecology and environmental challenges in the Tryon Creek watershed. We’ll focus on the negative impacts of invasive species and the benefits of native plants for wildlife habitat and water quality. We’ll also discuss different techniques for completing on-the-ground restoration, including how to properly remove noxious weeds and how to choose the best native plants for your site.
Then we’ll head into the Park and get our hands dirty! We’ll practice what we learned in class, all while helping to restore part of the Park. You’ll head home with a packet of information and resources, as well as a free native plant!
Wear your boots and get ready to spend some time outside. Light snacks, coffee, and work gloves will be provided.
REGISTER HERE – space is limited!