Watershed 101 Workshop with Lake Oswego United Church of Christ Green Team
Each fall and spring, we seek to work with groups to share watershed science education and implement hands-on restoration in the Tryon Creek watershed. Our Watershed 101 Workshop program is a flexible presentation that we follow up with a hands-on work party.
TCWC has worked at the Lake Oswego United Church of Christ (LOUCC) for several years.
We are excited to host a Watershed 101 Workshop with LOUCC on Tuesday, February 28th, via Zoom from 7-8pm. This workshop is open to any community members who are interested in learning more about watershed health, the Tryon Creek watershed (we’ll have a little virtual tour), and an overview of native & invasive plants and soil health.
Please feel encouraged to send us a quick email if you’re interested, and the Zoom link is below!
We hope that attendees will follow up the Zoom session by joining us hands-on at LOUCC on Saturday, March 11, as part of our 14th annual Watershed Wide Event. Please do RSVP if you can join us!
Back in 2005, through an Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) funded project, TCWC helped the LOUCC community manage their on-site stormwater. By directing stormwater from the impervious areas (roofs and drives/parking areas) into bioswales and rain gardens before being discharged into the city stormwater system, the project provides increased infiltration and runoff retention, reducing both the volume and peak flows for runoff from the property; also the bioswales will provide water quality treatment.
More recently, TCWC has supported and implemented restoration work to the greenspace on the LOUCC property, where a tributary to Nettle Creek briefly runs through a wooded area. Volunteers have worked to remove English ivy and other invasive plants, and to plant native plants, each March for TCWC’s Watershed Wide Event. TCWC has also acquired grant funds (through Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board’s Small Grants program, and City of Lake Oswego Habitat Enhancement Project fund) for contracted work, initially focusing along the stream corridor and moving outwards through the property, to removre invasives and install native shrubs and trees.
This work is greatly amplified by the work from the LOUCC community members, including at the annual volunteer events and several people working regularly throughout the year to keep invasives at bay. We are eager to connect to community members to share and discuss the watershed, and bring people together to do good on-the-ground work on March 11th!
This Watershed 101 Workshop program is supported by the Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District and the Lake Oswego Habitat Enhancement Project fund.

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