No Ivy Day!

Like so many others, our year has been fundamentally affected by COVID-19; we had a 7- or 8- month hiatus between in-person events, so were so glad to partner with Portland Parks & Recreation and Friends of Marshall & Maricara Parks to host a No Ivy Day site at Marshall Park! Because of the collaboration we were able to safely host a larger work party with 25 volunteers working in two separate areas in Marshall Park to remove English ivy. Together we removed 5,000 square feet!
One group from Cedarwood School worked in the northern section of the park, and the TCWC-led group worked just south of the arched bridge on a large slope. Adjacent to a privately-owned lot whose landowners have done a great job stewarding to remove invasive species, we were particularly glad to expand this effort on the PP&R-owned section. Check out our before and after photos (and, of course, a cute salamander in a leaf burrito)!
Before… (note the size of volunteers at the bottom for scale!) …After! Before… (note the size of volunteers at the bottom for scale!) …After! 24 volunteers were able to pull ivy safely distanced due to spreading out across two work areas Salamander in a leaf burrito 🙂 Lots of ivy rolled up the hill to be chopped!