No Ivy Day: helping along a new trail!

We were lucky to have a rain-free morning at this fall’s No Ivy Day, an annual event with concurrent work parties across the region.
Thanks to the volunteers who joined us, including a birthday group and Wells High School Key Club students – together, the 20 of us pulled about 800 square feet of English Ivy that was growing in patches across a large area! Enjoy some before & after photos, as well as some neat photos of fungi finds!

This year we worked towards the northern end of the park, where a slice of property new to Marshall Park is being prepared by Portland Parks & Recreation for trail building. By following the flags that delineated the new trail, volunteers worked to remove ground and tree ivy from the trail corridor and a buffer on either side.
This work will streamline the trail building effort that’s coming up in 2022, and make the next step easier: planting native plants, to extend a healthy plant community through this new expansion to the park.
We are glad to partner with Portland Parks & Recreation for this event each year.