Native Fish in Tryon Creek: USFWS Monitoring Report

An inspiring report comes from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: Monitoring of Native Fish in Tryon Creek, which summarizes USFWS’ work in the Tryon Creek watershed to date. We were particularly heartened to see the section on Nettle Creek, which is upstream of the Nettle Creek Bridge (formerly Stone Bridge) passage barrier that TCWC worked to remove in 2014.
Overall, USFWS found that the Tryon Creek watershed provides high quality habitat to thousands of native fish, with cutthroat trout through much of the system, and Coho & Chinook salmon and Pacific Lamprey at its confluence with the Willamette River. During hot summer months, Tryon Creek’s mean, or average, water temperature is twelve degrees (F) cooler than the Willamette River, providing critical cool water refuge for migratory salmonids and other fish species. Salmonids cannot survive in warm water temperatures, so we are extra pleased to learn that our creek-side tree planting projects and other habitat restoration efforts have paid off with cooler water temperatures for these critical species.
Click here to see the report in full and learn more details!

These before & after photos show a fish passage barrier removal project. Did you know that the Boones Ferry culvert project, happening now, is working for similar goals? Read more about it below.