[3/12 Update] 11th Annual Watershed Wide Event: 3/14/2020!

Image: 2019 kickoff celebration. Over 150 volunteers were a part of our 10th Annual Watershed Wide Event!
We have been eagerly planning our 11th Annual Watershed Wide Event and are hoping for clear skies on Saturday. With public health concerns, we have made some changes to our event; please read closely below.
We are canceling our initial gathering at Riverdale High School.
We have canceled some restoration locations but are still working with partners on three restoration sites. We will have fun raffle prizes to celebrate Pi Day and our watershed at each location that is proceeding!
We want to honor your willingness to commit to volunteering and giving back to our Tryon Creek watershed on this day and look forward to getting some great work done. We have communicated with the lead organizations for each of these sites and they are still looking forward to getting good and necessary work completed, including plantings.
The list of sites where we will still work are at the bottom of this message.
- We ask that anyone who is feeling ill to please stay home.We will be outside at all times and all groups are expected to be under 30 people.
- During our restoration work we will always maintain a distance of 3 feet or more between people, for both safety in using tools such as clippers, as well as to prevent the spread of germs.
- For everyone in attendance we ask that you use common-sense precautions: do not shake hands with others, always cover sneezes and coughs, etc.
- As usual please dress in layers for the weather (gloves, hats, closed-toed shoes, etc.) and bring your own, full water bottle.
- Consider bringing a few more of your own things such as pens (for waivers & raffle tickets), gloves (warmth + work party), coffee mugs, personal hand sanitizers, etc.
Jackson Middle School
– 10625 SW 35th Ave, Portland OR 97219
– 9:30am – 11-ish. Please BYO gloves if possible. RSVP to both Erik (watershed@swni.org) and Alexis (alexis@tryoncreek.org)
– Partnering with SWNI’s Westside Watershed Resource Center. Planting at the community pathway that has seen coordinated restoration efforts.
Lake Oswego United Church of Christ
– 1111 Country Club Rd, Lake Oswego, 97034
– Meet at 9:30 a.m. Please BYO gloves if possible. RSVP to Alexis (alexis@tryoncreek.org)
– Partnering with L.O. U.C.C.’s Green Team. English Ivy removal at an active restoration site recently planted with bare root plants.
Join us in caring for this important urban habitat on a super-fun day full of celebration and restoration!
Register to join us at Tryon Creek Watershed Council’s 11th Annual Watershed Wide Event! Coming up on March 14th (yep, that’s Pi Day!), we’ll gather as a big group for coffee, breakfast snacks, and cheering, then split up to several sites across the watershed for volunteer work parties.
Tryon Creek is a special watershed with high habitat quality that supports many wonderful fish, birds, and other wildlife. You don’t want to miss this community event – it’s the biggest volunteer day in the Tryon Creek watershed, and a chance to come together, have fun, and do good work.
We’ll bring tools, gloves, and food – you bring your energy and volunteer power!